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Iron Factory: IF EX-14 Ultimate Commander (Optimus Prime) REVIEW



'Autobots, roll out!'- Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime (a.k.a Orion Pax) is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. He is almost always depicted as being the leader of the Autobots, a faction of a species of synthetic intelligence from the planet Cybertron, with the ability to transform themselves. The Autobots are embroiled in a never-ending war against the Deceptions, a rival faction of Transformers hell-bent on world domination and the enslavement of planets including Earth.

Prime is the quintessential leader- possessing excellent leadership, military skills and tactical knowledge as well as sound decision-making skills.

I've grown quite fond of Iron Factory's legends scale production of Transformers figures- they're sturdy, nicely painted and usually have quite a range of articulation. But of course, there are some flaws which I will highlight later in this article.

Bear in mind that this figure is not the version of Optimus Prime that many of us are accustomed to seeing. This is NOT the version of the pickup truck and trailer but more of the War for Cybertron version like in the video game.

NOTE: I won't be reviewing the Alleria figure but I'll include some snapshots of her later on below :)


Iron Factory did a fab job with Prime's packaging, with dual tray layers which can accommodate all the accessories and parts that come along with the figure. You can also store Alleria's box inside Prime's box, so that it doesn't take up that much space at home.


Iron Factory's Prime comes heavily armed, guns a-blazing (I actually saw some Youtube videos about some reviewers finding the vast array of weapons a little too much, haha!).

Here's what you get with the figure:

1 Main Robot 1 Trailer/Armor 1 Rifle A 1 Rifle B 2 Hand Guns 1 Double Barreled Back Cannon 1 Sword 1 Axe Instruction Manual

The first batch of the Ultimate Commander will come with the bonus Alleria figure:


I dig this figure; despite some obvious flaws. I like the fact that it comes with a TON of accessories which allows you to create different poses and different weapons too (his axe and sword can combine to become a long staff!) and I dig the fact that he comes with two robot modes- normal Prime and bad-ass God Ginrai mode.

Having said that however, there are some glaring weaknesses- some of the joints are really, really tight and it takes a heck of a lot of strength and elbow grease to transform him the first time. Do it a few times, and the joints loosen...slightly.

I also don't quite like the fact that there's this gap at his chest (its meant for the God Ginrai mode armor) but it becomes quite loose in his normal robot mode, which can get quite annoying at times.

But other than these complaints, this dude's a keeper.

Normal mode (Front)

Normal mode (Back)

Normal Alt-mode

God Ginrai robot mode (front)

God Ginrai robot mode (back)

Trailerforce alt-mode


Prime can certainly strike those poses in his normal mode, his movement becomes limited with the added armor in his God Ginrai mode. But I guess that is somewhat to be expected. Still, would have been nice if his arms and legs could move more than 30 degrees.


Iron Factory's Prime certainly delivers in this department despite some limitation in articulation. You can get some pretty decent battle poses which will satisfy the Transformers fan boy/girl in you :)

'Autobots, roll out!'

With War In Pocket's Mightron (review HERE!)

Prime fits in well with my other Iron Factory figures :)


Should you get this figure? Well, if you're an Optimus Prime fan and don't quite fancy the idea of bleeding your wallet by buying a masterpiece figure, this dude is a must have. Why? Simply because its a solid piece of work, with plenty of accessories, many alternate modes and it comes at a decent price.

TFsource has him going for US$69.99. (RM312.96).

Big Bad Toy Store has him for US$69.99 as well.

MyToy has him for US$49.20 (RM220).


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